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Adventures in Rewriting – “Turning My Steps”

“Writing is rewriting.” I wasn’t the first to say it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that quip pre-dates Shakespeare. But it’s an important truth for writers to accept as a crucial part of their creative efforts.  It’s a (sometimes brutal) reality
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Life Its Own Self

I may have outdone myself this time… going a full seven months between blog posts.  That may well be a new record for the World’s Laziest Blogger.  Alert the folks at Guinness! It’s not like I’ve not written anything in
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Zagging in a Zigging World

I think it’s safe to say that I can be something of a contrarian. (Duhh!)  So – when I decided it was time to introduce a new line of orchestra arrangements (after considering it for years), it should come as
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The Kindness of Strangers

This is embarrassing on two levels. First – I find myself once again trying conjure up an excuse for blogging soooo infrequently.  But it always boils down to the same thing: I get so wrapped up in composing, or editing
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News of the Day

Seeing as how I’m the world’s most inconsistent blogger, I thought I might oughta post a little update blog. So here are some truly Random Neural Firings that might be of passing interest. Thanks to all the sympathetic responses I
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Showing – the (Mostly) Finished Stage of Creativity

I recently I finished a new choral composition. When I say “finished,” I don’t mean “finished” finished. I mean more like “mostly” finished. In my catalogue, I’m not so sure anything is ever “finished” finished. But I digress. (Look! A
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Wow. Has it really been some five months since I last posted??? Truly – I am the World’s Most Inconsistent Blogger. Where is my award for this great distinction? Somebody call the folks at Guinness! So – what have I
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For the Children

Anytime a government huckster (and they are ALL hucksters) want to grab more money for something, one of the standard appeals is – it’s “for the children.” Now this is a blatant, emotional approach. But it works  – because grown-ups
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The Twelve Choral Books of Christmas

I haven’t published a new choral book in a decade. For one thing, I don’t know what I could possibly add to the mountain of cantatas, choral collections, and musicals that is already out there. For another thing, nobody has
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Behind the Song: “Amazing Love! How Can It Be?”

“Amazing Love! How Can It Be?” Words by Charles Wesley & Robert Sterling Music by Robert Sterling In my book, Principles of Choral Arranging… wait, what? You didn’t know I wrote a book on choral arranging??? Well, here’s a link. 
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Room for Improvement 2

If you were to dig through my blog archives (and I know you all do that), you would find an old blog from years ago, titled “Room for Improvement.”  In that blog I wrote about re-visiting, and subsequently re-writing, one
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Behind the Song: “Leaving us to Say Goodbye”

“Leaving Us to Say Goodbye” (words & music by Robert Sterling) The unexpected death of a friend lands like a body blow. It leaves you stunned, even speechless. You receive the bad news and go numb. Hearing of Luke Garrett’s
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