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Today I find myself without my trusted Mac G5 studio computer, which crashed for reasons still undetermined.  And while it sits at my local Mac store (Mac Authority in Nashville), and is dutifully examined by Ryan and Bob the Magnificent Technicians, I am left without recording capabilities in my home studio.  This could go on for days and days – and it’s all because I failed to follow my on simple rule: LWEA (Leave Well Enough Alone).

What is it about me that never learns to not try to improve something that is functioning just fine, to not fix something that isn’t broken, to not meddle with things as magical and unknowable as computers and software updates?  I attempted to update my studio’s software WITHOUT checking on compatibility issues.  (Not all software plays well with other software, apparently.)  By the time I tried to undo the damage, the damage was not undoable.  (I know – I used a double negative.)

The irony is, I should know better.  Most of my life’s minor catastrophes have been self-inflicted events, almost always triggered by my efforts to improve something that didn’t need improving, to fix something that didn’t need fixing, or get somewhere I didn’t need to go. If we ever hang out together, ask me about the time my 1983 Honda Accord come loose while I was towing it with a U-Haul truck on a Memphis freeway.  (Not pretty.) Or how about the time I was in a car accident simply because I wanted to shave one lousy minute off my drive time, one measly mile before exiting a Knoxville highway? (“Think of all the time I’ll save by passing this truck – holy cow – what’s a parked van doing in the fast lane?!?!” Crash!!!)

I like to tell myself I can’t help this behavior – that it’s genetic and I am thus excused.  But the truth is that these disasters almost always arise when pride or fear gets the best of me.  The Honda-in-Tow Gambit was fear induced. (A long story involving true stupidity on my part.)  The car wreck in Knoxville was pride-induced. (Not so long a story – but just as stupid.)

So, for the next few days, I will wait to find what went wrong with my computer. Already, a technician in Boston has told me that there’s nothing wrong with the computer’s audio processor, which I Fed-exed to them for testing.  And ten minutes ago, the local Mac doctors called to say the Mac tested fine, too. Maybe when we put the audio processor back into the Mac, it will all work great, and Ryan and Bob the Magnificent Technicians will scratch their heads in wonder.  Maybe this was just another subtle reminder that I’m not in charge. Maybe my computer felt under-appreciated and decided to go on strike for a few days.

Maybe I should learn to LWEA.

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